The six pieces of the CSR cake

Being a leader instead of just a manager means that you could be able not only to get maximum benefits but to guide your company towards a sustainable growth. If you respect these six points, you can achieve both happiness and success. Don't be afraid of putting in practise your CSR strategy and start building a better world from today!

Ethics in Business, Socialnest, Sustainibility, Human Rights

1. Respect and protect Human Rights
  • Design and implement a Code of Conduct to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts.
  • Non-Discrimination: Indigenous Rights; ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities; women; children; persons with disabilities; and migrant workers and their families.
  • Protect economic, social and cultural rights of local community.
  • Non-complicity in Human Rights abuse with business partners, entities in its value chain and any other entity directly linked to its business operations, products or services (i.e. Child & forced labour).